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Anybody have experience with?

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Hi all,

So I was looking online and found a nice looking scope that I like and my club recommended. It's an i-optron-G-R80 8802b gps telescope that has an option for a camera. Now It seem like a nice scope and what I'd use it for is luner observations. Has anyone heard much about these?

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Well I plan to use it for more that just luner observation although that's a big part. I was going to buy a more expensive bigger scope but my friend said he'd start out with a cheaper 4 or 500 dollar scope to get myself more experienced and find out what I'll want to observe the most then buy a 2-3k scope for my house the reason I liked the go to is I'm getting my son into astronomy bc he likes it and it would be a good feature for him

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I see on another thread that you've just bought a 60mm reflector while you're still pondering the big one.


In terms of telescope, this 80mm refractor will give slightly better viewing - but nothing really dramatic. The big difference is the go-to. Personally I'd invest the money in a Newtonian to get a much more significant aperture, 150 or 200mm. Dobsonian mounts are the best value-wise. And I'd hold off on the go-to for the moment - others may disagree!

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Yeah there's just so much to choose from I got the 60mm and I like it but ended up giving it to my older son who loved it. My younger son is also getting into astronomy which is good. So I'm trying to find something that he could use and I could use the go-to feature is really nice and I also looked at the celestron 90lcm which was 100 dollars cheaper but I like with the I optron you can use a camera though not sure how it hooks in but I have a professional grade camera and would like to use it some if possible. My friend also has one and I looked at it but didn't get to use it. He said it's great and uses a tablet to plugged into the controller to control the scope movement via star chart apps. He just clicks on a star and it automatically goes to that star. ( that's why I thought it would be useful for my younger son)

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