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Electronic Finder - any suggestions?


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I am looking to put together an electronic finder to allow me to remotely align / re-align my main scope at the beginning of and during each session. 

Based on previous experience, I reckon the FOV needs to be around 5 degrees to ensure that the chosen alignment star  always lands in the finder FOV on the first slew, but enough resolution to allow the alignment star to be positioned within 0.25 degrees of the centre of FOV.

Ideally should be a USB camera. It will be permanently mounted on my RC6 scope.

I have seen this thread which was very useful, and may be the answer (although I don't think the camera is USB?), but looking for further ideas to consider.

I have an Altair Astro 60mm finder/guider but cannot think of a cheap camera with a big enough chip to give the FOV I need. I also have an old Olympus 28mm SLR lens (pre-digital) which I could potentially mate to a camera. 

Looking to spend up to £100.

Can anyone suggest a good solution?

Thanks :)


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Could you set it up so it is a platesolving system rather than a visual aligning in which case the FoV may not need to be so large?

Ah, that is an interesting approach! So basically I would not have to align the scope at all, just do a 'quick align' (ie: polar align scope, set RA & Dec to index marks, and that should be enough for GOTO to get within a few degrees of chosen object ) and then plate solving gets me to my chosen object?

At present I control the scope via Nexremote which involves running software on the laptop and running a cable to the mount's handset, I do not have any ASCOM or EQMOD style interface direct to the mount - any thoughts whether this is doable?



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