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Skywatcher 150mm MCT black diamond visual back size

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Hi everyone, please forgive me if this has been asked before (a newbie to this site) and did a quick search and didn't see it. Anyway I have a skywatcher 150mm black diamond finish mak cassegrain that I got around 2012 as a more easier to carry scope than my 10" lx200. I got this scope around 2012 and just now I bought a very nice feathertouch focuser as focusing is pretty bad when doing astrophotography! Unfortunately though for some reason these maks don't come with a standard sct thread visual back and from what I gather skywatcher has seamed to change this thread size 2-3 times! I've been looking to get an adaptor so I can got the focuser to it but can't find one yet. There is one company in the uk that might have one but they need to know the exact thread size on the back of my scope! I've contacted skywatcher and others hoping to get this info to no avail. And there seems to be nothing on the net as to exact size. I am wondering if anyone here might know of the size?

This is the info I have that might help:

Skywatcher black diamond 150mm f/12 mak

Purchased new in 2011 or 2012

Quick and rough measurement of the threaded end shows it is around 64-65mm.

Any help would be so very appreciated as I seem to have hit a wall and can't find anything!

Cheers and clear skies! :)

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Hi Elco,

I have a SW 150 Mak Pro which I purchased second hand, so I'm not certain of it's exact age, but the thread on the back is approx. 65mm, so it sounds like we have the same threads. I've recently purchased an adaptor from Astrotec to fit a SCT focuser. The adaptor fits like a glove.

Have a word with Graham from Astrotec (graham.holmes12@googlemail.com), I'm sure he will be able to help you out.

Clear skies


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Thank you all so much for the replies and sorry for the late reply! This info will be ver helpfull! I was dealing with a company called modern astronomy but they are not sure if they have one! I will contact astrotec! Thanks again! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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