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Mount dilema ... HELP!!!


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Hi guys,

As the subject line says, i'm so confused as to which mount to go for.

I am in the process of purchasing my first scope as an Edge HD 8" (don't judge me yet) with AVX as the mount which comes as a package. From what i first noticed, it's a beast of a scope and a beast of a tripod with a descent size EQ mount.

Now the purpose of this equipment is to get what's better in optics for lunar and planetary objects and then moving swiftly in to DSO both visual and imaging.

I'm already thinking of buying my next scope as a refractor but i'll make do with what i've got for as long as i can and then open up my wallet for that.

Now since i'm buying this as a package, i'm also buying all the necessary accessories with them. In total it's costing me £1900.

But i'm getting so confused about the AVX mount and below are my points:

1) Some people have no issues imaging with it and some have had nightmares

2) I most probably will not be doing any bigger than the 8" and an 80/100mm refractor in future

3) EQmod or not to EQmod

4) Stepper motor vs servo motors

5) Shall i go for a NEQ6 which is cheaper than CGEM (which i've heard from a reliable source is going to be ditched) which will mean i will lose the package deal cost and pay lots extra

So like i said, i'll be doing both visual and imaging (nothing the sorts of having them published in a news paper sort but something i'll be happy with like getting the full thing in the frame and the details etc). Obviously don't want to spend much too. Don't own a car so travelling with the scope for now will be very minimal and even when i do, i'll be using a truck trolley sort to move it around so doing this once every month or so. Mostly be doing this in my light polluted back garden in Barking. 

As you can imagine, i'm so confused. I just don't want to end up buying the mount and then regret when i didn't go for the other one. 

I hope you understand what i mean here :huh:  :huh:  :huh:

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Hi Souls,

Quick answer:-

  1. Edge HD 8" good for lunar and planetary imaging, nightmare for DSOs, as it is very hard to guide properly at that focal length (f10)
  2. Will cope OK with those
  3. Can't use EQMod with Celestron mounts, basically skyWatcher - maybe wrong on that one, unless I have missed something
  4. Don't know
  5. NEQ6 is a good allround mount, is at the top of the budget range, will work very well when used with EQMod. Will cover most scopes for visual & imaging. You need to look at what the total costs come out at, package or individual purchases, budget dependant

Hope that helps

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