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Venus, Mars, Jupiter Conjunction 10-26-15


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I still wake up early even though I am retired now.  I looked out my window on the stair landing and as the weather man promised, the sky was clear.  I had my camera and tripod ready to go last night in anticipation and so it was grab and go.  It was a brisk 32 degree morning with some fog in the valley so I knew I would need to drive up the hill to get a clear shot.

I wanted an interesting vantage point with some trees to compose the photo.  I had used this location before but this time I used a 14mm lens setting and included the neighbors bright security light.  I took a couple shots but the light was too bright.  What if I moved my camera so that the light was behind the tree?  Okay let's try that .... and this is what I got.

"And now for the rest of the story!"

I put the camera and tripod in the back seat and hopped into the driver's seat.  Just as I sat down, the car alarm went off complete with blasting intermittent lights and horn!  My key fob evidently pinched in my pocket and hit the alarm button.  By the time I got the fob out of my pocket and shut the alarm off, I could see the lights come on in several of my neighbor's houses.  I left in earnest in the dawn's early light.  


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Yeah me too, John.  I live in a village with lots of trees so I drive up the hill in back of my house about 1/2 mile to this spot.  I call them my neighbors because everybody knows everybody around here.

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