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A try at moon mosaics


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This is my first go at making a part mosaic of the moon from some older pics i have. The images were stacked in regi and edited in Photoshop CS3. I then used 'Imerge' to create the final image.

Great fun and really easy use, :hello1:


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Nice image with great detail and particularly good contrast without the highlights burning out too much. Well done.

What did use use to capture the image? The reason I ask is that you appear to have a slight magenta discolouration on the very edges of the component images. It's my understanding that this can be caused by infrared transmissions by the electronics inside a camera.

You could easily get rid of this by either converting the image to greyscale or by using the 'desaturate' command in Photoshop.

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Cheers mate. I used the neximage, but to be honest i had the saturation too high as i was only starting out at the time. These are older pics you see, so i just thought i would see if i could attempt a mosaic as i don't have any others that are suitible.

It would be no prob to edit out the colour and to use a feathering option in registax next time. I might have a go tonight with the 127 Mak and try it properly. The Magenta colour you mentioned came about by re-applying wavelets and increasing saturation levels in registax. Something i have since learnt to control, Lol.

Cheers, Shane. :angry:

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