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Looking for advice on a mount for a 10" scope


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Hi, I have recently bought a SkyWatcher 10" collapsible but I have damaged the mount, it still works but I would really like to replace it. I can't seem to find anywhere that sells a replacement dobsonian mount. So my question is, I think I'm after either a new dob mount or a Alt-az mount, but I have no idea what is suitable for my scope. 

I also have a 130EQ scope on a CG-3 Equatorial mount, but I'm assuming there's no way that would be suitable for a scope twice as big :)

Any pointers or advice on this would be much appreciated. 


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If you are okay with DIY, making a base is the cheapest option, especially if you have a damaged base you can reuse parts from (e.g. bearings).  If it were me I might use the sections from the broken base as templates to cut out a replacement one from plywood (using a power router and template cutting bit).  Orion optics UK sell fancy dob bases but they're not cheap (the ones Chris just mentioned).  If you want to mount the OTA on a equatorial mount, you'll need a NEQ6 (costs more than your scope), or a Skywatcher skytee2 (alt-az) mount would be suitably heavy duty to handle it, but you'll need a set of tube rings and a dovetail bar.

Member JamesF made his own dob base for a 250px, you can see it here: http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/197528-fitting-a-telrad-on-sw-250px-flextube-dob/?p=2077519

and I remember he wrote it up on his own website, though I couldn't find it.

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As its a Truss Dob you really only have 2 options, repair or replace the original base or make one to suit, the truss bars stop any sort of mounting on a tripod supported mount EQ or AZ

I'm fairly sure I saw one on ebay mounted with tube rings.  The important part is that the balance point needs to be where there is solid tube.  The 250px bearings attach at the top of the solid tube section, so I would have thought you'd be just about okay.  One of the solid ADM dovetail bars may be needed to help balance.

edit: yep, here's the ebay listing.  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Skywatcher-Skyliner-250Px-Dobsonian-Reflector-Telescope-in-vgc-/351551411421?hash=item51da18d4dd:g:6QoAAOSwo0JWILdH

I really don't know if it balances well though & the extra height of the mount is such a hassle.   dob bases are definitely the way to go.

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That's, great. Thanks so much for all the advice. I took the scope out last night and ended up just using my 6" EQ scope instead because the Dob mount was totally unusable. 

@ChrisLX200 I'd found that dob mount, my worry is that I've never used a dob before, I'll have to check out some reviews, it'd be between that dob by orion or the Alt-az by skywatcher.

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