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Skyliner 200p 2" adaptor use

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Hi guys

I just purchased this Dob as my first scope and am loving it so far but I was wondering if you could help me out with a couple of questions?

What is the 2" adaptor for? I haven't seen many 2" lenses so I'm assuming it could be for filters?

Also for a bit of better magnification I have a 2x and 3x barlow in the post but is it worth going for a 7mm.

Many thanks in advance for any help. I can't wait to get stuck into using this beast

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Hello and welcome to the forum :smiley:

The 2" adapter is used when you use 2" eyepieces. There are lots of these around but their advantage is at low power so you tend to find them at focal lengths of longer than 24mm where a wider field of view than a 1.25" eyepiece can give is required.

The key thing with the Skywatcher scopes is to use either the 1.25" adapter OR the 2" adapter in the scope, never together. If you use them together eyepieces that used to focus won't any more.

The 2x barlow lens can be used with the stock 10mm eyepiece to make an effective 5mm eyepiece for 240x. The 3x barlow might give you too much power to be a lot of use really.

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.........nothing much to add to Johns comment, on the mark as always!........and you chose well for your first scope. I use the 2" adaptor when I use my 32mm Panaview eyepiece.

I have found that a 6mm eyepiece gives me the 200x power that the scope is capable of producing under the right conditions?

My main choice of eyepieces are the 60° Starguiders, and they don't (yet) have a 6mm in their inventory, so from recommendations I came across a cheap William Optics 6mm, and it suits me perfectly.

Welcome to SGL.

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