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Eyepiece sets

mark skelton

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Buying those inexpensive eyepiece sets from outfits like Celestron and Meade is often a mistake. Many of the EP's in those kits are one's you may only use once or twice. Best to start off with the ones that usually come with a new scope and see how these are. Use them for a few weeks and see what you think. Do you like the wider view you get with the lower power one? Is the higher power one comfortable to you? How is the eye-relief? There are many things to find out about you, your telescope, and what you are enjoying the most. Give yourself some time to find your way around before throwing money at things you may not really need.

There are also higher quality eyepieces to consider. One's with wider fields of view. Learn how much power your telescope can really give you before things start losing contrast. What objects up there do you want to look at? There are many things to think about and learn before making any large expenditures. And probably many questions you will find that you can get answers to for free from this forum.

If you look on the used-astronomy markets, you will find quite a few sets of inexpensive eyepieces going for bargain prices. This is why. They didn't ask a forum like this one, and jumped in blindfolded. Also used eyepieces - very good ones - are something to consider to save some money. And if you find you'd like to try a different one instead, re-selling a used EP will get you the money back. And us astronomy people tend to take the best care of our goodies!

Enjoy your new telescope!


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Have not set a budge yet as I wanted to some info first on what's out there in the market and no I do not need to use glasses when looking through the eyepiece (the glasses I've got are for close up work ie reading). As for the field of view may go for a selection of apparent fields depending on what would work best with a skywatcher evostar 100ED DS-PRO.

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