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M15 First real effort.


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So I have been having all sorts of prolems with EQ5 mount, polar alignment, synscan etc, etc, so tonight I had another go, set everything up and using the handset set my sights on M15, I have terrble light pollution in my garden but the council have offered to help (shock, horror, but thats for another post),

To my amazement M15 was almost dead centre of the scope, wow, very dim but viewable, so after about 5 minutes of viewing I decided to try and capture it with my DSLR, the result is below, I know it's not he best image in the world, and I will try again at some point, but 38 30 second exposures Stacked by DSS produced an image that requires a lot of work but it's an images without any drag on the stars, so quite happy.



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