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Hi there I have been on here a while now and still learning my grandson said can we see stars during the daytime I told him yes but I think I need a filter on my telescope he said when you get one can I come and look I said yes so yes you guessed it right what filters do I need to get if I can get any thanks for all your advice Stephen

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There was an article in Sky & Telescope not long ago, I don't remember any mention of filters.

Unfortunately this is one of the rare occasions where a GOTO telescope is essential, carefully set up the night before, because there are absolutely no reference points available during the day.

Apart from the sun, and you don't want to point at that unless you have a Baader Solar filter on the scope - maybe your grandson would like to look at sunspots instead?

Bur hopefully someone on SGL will have a method of daytime star hunting to share with you.


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It's possible to see Venus, Mercury and Jupiter during the day and I'm talking without as scope.    Mercury you'll only get for the 30 mins after sunset.  Venus and Jupiter are possible, and of course the moon is a good target too.

Other than that, I think everything is washed out.

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