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DIY cloud and rain sensor with ascom support?


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Ok, so we now know that something's wrong with the Nano/hardware/firmware somewhere.  I'm assuming that it's compiling correctly...

It's probably getting hung up in initialization somewhere....

You could do some spying on what's going on by un-commenting the following lines in CloudSensorEvoPlus:

//  Serial.println("Initializing DS18B20 sensor...");

//  Serial.println("Initializing MLX90614 sensor...");

Just remove the // part and upload again.  You can't use my ASCOM driver when these lines are enabled but they will provide some feedback from the serial monitor.  For, example if the DS18B20 message comes up but not the MLX90614 then it's getting stuck trying to find the DS18B20 (my guess.)


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Ok, so we now know that something's wrong with the Nano/hardware/firmware somewhere.  I'm assuming that it's compiling correctly...

It's probably getting hung up in initialization somewhere....

You could do some spying on what's going on by un-commenting the following lines in CloudSensorEvoPlus:

//  Serial.println("Initializing DS18B20 sensor...");

//  Serial.println("Initializing MLX90614 sensor...");

Just remove the // part and upload again.  You can't use my ASCOM driver when these lines are enabled but they will provide some feedback from the serial monitor.  For, example if the DS18B20 message comes up but not the MLX90614 then it's getting stuck trying to find the DS18B20 (my guess.)


Hi Howard,

Got the following feedback from the serial monitor

Initializing DS18B20 sensor...
Initializing MLX90614 sensor...
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Well, so much for my first guess.  There was an obvious potential for an infinite loop in the DS18B20 init. code.

Next guess would be one of these lines:

    ds18b20_celsius = read_DS18B20();
    MLX90614_celsius = read_MLX90614();

If you could add // before both of these lines to comment them out and run again.  You'll have send :IP# to see if it's working.  If it works then try them one at a time to see which one did it.

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Another good check is that it returned from the MLX90614 init.  change the setup() function to add the println as shown below:

void setup(void)


  Serial.println("Init. Done.");

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Well, so much for my first guess.  There was an obvious potential for an infinite loop in the DS18B20 init. code.

Next guess would be one of these lines:

    ds18b20_celsius = read_DS18B20();

    MLX90614_celsius = read_MLX90614();

If you could add // before both of these lines to comment them out and run again.  You'll have send :IP# to see if it's working.  If it works then try them one at a time to see which one did it.

Hi Howard,

Both OK

   ds18b20_celsius = read_DS18B20();

// MLX90614_celsius = read_MLX90614();  OK

// ds18b20_celsius = read_DS18B20();

   MLX90614_celsius = read_MLX90614();  Nothing.......


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Did you try adding that line println() as shown below, need this to see if we returned from the init_MLX90614();  function:

void setup(void)


  Serial.println("Init. Done.");

My next step would be to put a Serial.print("."); within the main loop so it prints once a second to see that the processor made it there.

It can take persistence, but there is a reason why it's working and it can be found, if taken step by step.

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Did you try adding that line println() as shown below, need this to see if we returned from the init_MLX90614();  function:

void setup(void)





  Serial.println("Init. Done.");


My next step would be to put a Serial.print("."); within the main loop so it prints once a second to see that the processor made it there.

It can take persistence, but there is a reason why it's working and it can be found, if taken step by step.

Hi Howard,

i'll try the setup when I get back home from work and let you know the results.

Just try and change the SDA and SCL, it doesn't damage anything and takes a second... And you have the 3V and ground connected right i assume.


Hi Daniel,

I've tried the sda / scl swop. It's connected to 3v and I'll check continuity on all connections. Also, units led power is on.


Edited by sloz1664
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My rain sensor has been running outside without a single hickup*, the rain sensor threshold was adjusted to 99% dry and 98% wet. I think this has to do with the larger contact-stripes on this model vs the "retail" sensors out there.
The driver setup dialog always "indicates" "overcast or fog" - even when there is clear sky.

So, it has been working very good, the last test is on a actual image run - with the "safety monitor" activated.

* The only hickup was when it good flooded and died :embarrassed: ... again :sad: 
Sealing is IMPORTANT.... the cloud sensor is in the oven for 60 min @50 degrees celsius, or when it´s golden brown  :tongue: 
Hope it's still alive

The DIY heaven is amazing some times.

Over and out 

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Hi Howard,

Did you try adding that line println() as shown below, need this to see if we returned from the init_MLX90614();  function:


void setup(void)


  Serial.println("Init. Done.");


Init. Done  - feed back from serial monitor


Sorry Howard, how do I   put a Serial.print("."); within the main loop so it prints once a second to see that the processor made it there.



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Just add it as indicated below:

  // gather data from sensors once a second
  if ((now%1000==0) && (last!=now)) {

    last=now; // blocks calling more than once during the same ms


Weird, it's getting hard to believe that it's not responding to the :IP# command, you did hit Enter or the send button yes?

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Ok Howard,

Tried to get back to this last night but a family gathering curtailed that....

Inputted the following yellow text. 

  // gather data from sensors once a second
  if ((now%1000==0) && (last!=now)) {


    last=now; // blocks calling more than once during the same msOk inputted 

opened the searal monitor, typed :IP# and pressed send.

feed back from serial monitor




It returned with:-

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I'll be away this weekend but we're getting somewhere...

That "." should print once a second, over and over.  the stuff between the braces {} as follows

void loop(void)



in the program gets run one line after another, over and over,  except the stuff in the "if" statement braces is blocked from running for all but once time a second (generally.)  

Next step will be moving the


you just added down in the sequence of statements until you don't see the "." print.  What ever line in the code that's then immediately above it caused the program to lock.

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I hardly believe the code is the problem... if you use the latest code on hdutton's github, it should work.
What kind of hardware do you use? Maybe you have the links to the supplier?

Your cloud and rain sensor behaves exactly as mine, when there was i wire connected wrong, or some sensor not responded etc. 
Can you take a picture of your hardware?

I actually got mine working again, even though it was totally drenched in water. i have now sealed the box even more (wish me luck) and it is up and running again :)

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I hardly believe the code is the problem... if you use the latest code on hdutton's github, it should work.
What kind of hardware do you use? Maybe you have the links to the supplier?

Your cloud and rain sensor behaves exactly as mine, when there was i wire connected wrong, or some sensor not responded etc. 
Can you take a picture of your hardware?

I actually got mine working again, even though it was totally drenched in water. i have now sealed the box even more (wish me luck) and it is up and running again :)

Hi Daniel

The components I purchased were these:-

MLX 90614 - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MLX90614-Contactless-IR-infrared-Close-Temperature-Sensor-Module-for-Arduino-/262011525748?

Rain Detector - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171823749829

DS18B20 - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DS18B20-Waterproof-Digital-Probe-Temperature-Sensor-Thermometer-Thermal-Module-/281392057533?hash=item4184460cbd

Rain Sensor:  R1,R2 connected to board. VCC (red wire) to 5v. GND (brown wire) connected to GND. A0 (grey wire) to A0.

DS18B20:  Signal to D10 (coupled with 4k7 resistor to 5v. GND wire to GND. VCC to 5v.

I have also connected it in parasitic mode VCC + GND to GND. Signal to D10 (coupled with 4k7 resistor to 5v).

I know the DS18B20 works as I connected it in the AAF2 Focuser circuit and it's registering temp.

MLX 90614:  GND (black wire) to GND. VCC (grey wire) to 3v. SDA (yellow wire) to A4. SCL (red wire) to AS.

BTW. I find covering everything in clear silicon stops any rain getting in.... but if you need to get access to any of the internal components  :eek:


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I hardly believe the code is the problem... if you use the latest code on hdutton's github, it should work.

What kind of hardware do you use? Maybe you have the links to the supplier?

Your cloud and rain sensor behaves exactly as mine, when there was i wire connected wrong, or some sensor not responded etc. 

Can you take a picture of your hardware?

I actually got mine working again, even though it was totally drenched in water. i have now sealed the box even more (wish me luck) and it is up and running again :)

I totally agree, I doubt the code is the problem too... but this debugging exercise can probably identify the problem causing device attached.

This firmware really needs a once over to make it more "robust" against component failures... if something stops working it shouldn't silently fail or hang the device....  I probably will revisit this aspect one day, but my hobby time is spread very thin for now.

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When i was debugging ( not the way to go with the firmware though) i was simply uploading a IDE for each sensor, testing them one by one.
My Cloud and Rain sensor are now working wonderful again, even under a thunderstorm and heavy rain for about 4-5hrs.

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