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Hickson 50


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Has anyone imaged the Hickson 50 group. What sort of scope size and exposure times does it need. The reason I ask is that a chap did it on live video on another site using a 10" scope and a 56 second exposure.

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I do not know about imaging it, but I found a report saying that it was fairly wasy to see members of the Hickson 50 in the 82" at the McDonald Observatory...

Then went on to find this quote...

I just want to add something about Hickson 50 (Shk 5). The magnitudes given in the Hickson catalog are blue magnitudes. The visual appearance is brighter (nearly two magnitudes). I was able to see H 50 A in my 20incher under 6,5mag skies. A buddy of mine managed to see three members of this elusive group using a 20incher under better skies than I had. Another guy here in germany was able to see H 50 A ven in a 18incher under 7,0mag skies.

The red magnitudes are much brighter than the blue magnitudes and even brighter than the visual magnitudes. The red part of the spectrum is the strongest (lots of red stars in these galaxies). For example: H 50 A has a 16,2 mag red and 18,4 mag blue magnitude.

I think imaging would be easier, but finiding them a whole other kettle of fish!


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