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Windows Sucks

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After the 1st clear night in nearly 2 months that I could get out on Friday, managed to grab me some data on the Whirlpool and an open cluster with some neb (cant remember the number of that one) and all was good.  Was even good enough to get darks, bias and flats too.

That was Friday night.  Fast forward to this morning when I now have a chance to move the data from my imaging laptop to my main computer.

in goes the memory stick....create new folders.  Start copying across the files.  Get to copying the last set over (which were the flats) and then something goes awry and the folder structure vanishes off the USB drive.  Now, some will say 'That will be OK, the files are still on the laptop'.  well yes, they would be had I not used CTRL+X to cut them from the laptop drive.

All the data I had grabbed is now gone.

Have laptop running a data recovery program in the slim hope that I may be able to retrieve something, but I am not holding out much hope.

Have been and bough myself a Seagate 3TB Personal Cloud Home Media Storage unit this morning.  Am going to have all my data saved to that in future so no more moving files and loosing them.

I hate computers at times......

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Sure it wasn't one of those fake usb drives that reports lots of ram but actually has little?

Pro tip, never use CTRL-X (Cut) to move important files :)

I also hope you are running NTFS and not FAT filesystem.

I run Seagates, always have, I would avoid "shingled" recording technology though (uses overlapped recording, eugh), I also run the NAS version of their HDD's for better balancing for long spin times, I put mine in a USAP enclosure.

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Does sound like a memory problem, the cheaper / cloned cards state a capacity up to 32gb but at 4gb pop. Bang goes your file system. Can only echo the good advice from cathouse42 above.

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Well...they are long gone as suspected and expected.

The drive in question is a 256 GB stick that came from IBM and have had no issues with at all until now.

Have tested the NAS now nad all is working as it should, so no more file moving for me.  Can work straight off the NAS drive and free up a bit of space on my HDD.  Also adds the bonus feature that I now haave a NAS to stick all mine and Mrs S's music on.  We are going to go down the Sonos route for multi room music and also my home theatre system has been given the black cap as the floor standers are too tall and the wood finish does not match into our white minimalist look that she has gone for.......so a PlayBar will be used there instead.  Just need to flog off all my AV gear.....bu that is a different FWP.

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