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Naked, Help, Competition...


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First, this is a naked version of a file posted earlier. It is straight from the avi, a single frame, unedited apart from being saved to jpeg. Thought you guys might like to see that.

Second..... HELP!! If you look on the right hand side, you can see some artifacts. Where are they from? They all seem to be from the same source as they are similar in shape. Where should I look to see what needs cleaning??

Third, I would love to see who could take this frame, and make the best of it.... :(




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Are you referring to what look like small paw prints,? If they were on the moon, they would be huge. If they are on the sensor they might be dust Bunnies, but I would wait for a more rational explanation from a webcam expert. :(


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I've no idea on what the artefacts might be, but I did adjust it, used levels to remove the bits that have nothing on, a very small curves and noiseware. I'm sure there are many others who can do a much better job.


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Are you referring to what look like small paw prints,? If they were on the moon, they would be huge. If they are on the sensor they might be dust Bunnies, but I would wait for a more rational explanation from a webcam expert. :(


Yes, the paw prints. Would dust bits be all the same shape etc, or is that just the way even a tiny single speck would manifest itself?

Cheers guys

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Having had another look TJ, I am now not so certain they are not part of the lunar terrain. The shadows are true, and in line with the more pronounced craters. It may be better to wait until you have used the camera again, to see if these things repeat themselves, I know from experience with dust on my webcam, they don't shift easy, so it is likely they will stay put. Once you've established that they are specks on the sensor, you can then take steps to remove them.


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That is one BIG frame! :shock: I couldn't copy it one go so here is an abridged version. ;)

Some fascinating detail to be found in the shadows of the terminator of what is an excellent image. Sorry it has lost some of it's 'mood' in the process. :(



(click as usual)

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