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May 21, 2015: Solar lunchtime with many proms

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Bit late with this report, but we had a very good time yesterday during lunch observing quite a range of proms. The show was stolen by a big, bright prom southwards on the eastern limb. During lunch, it seemed to grow a bit taller. Several smaller proms could be seen to its north, with a nice, if quite faint filaprom in between the two sets of proms. Some filaments could be seen on the disk, and a curious configuration of a dark filament and a bright, elongated plage area some way below and to the east of the filament could be seen near centre disk. On the western limb, another set of proms stood out. Fainter than the bright one on the eastern limb, but quite big. One set looked like a lumb attached to the limb, with a detached inverted comma above it. Later the comma seemed to link up with the lump, and a faint arc could be seen extending from it.

Quite a few students and administrative staff came to join in the fun.

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