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Cord Wrap?

Big Bang!

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Good evening all,

Complete new kid here.  Having had 5 good years visual with a 12" LX90  I was blessed, yesterday, to take delivery of a GM1000, which is going to drive an Altair RC250TT and an ATIK. Wow, this is serious kit and I am on a steep learning curve.  I wasn't aware that this mount has a WiFi network capability, which is great as it is going in an Obsy and Will then be able to stay in the warm! 

This raises an issue... I cannot find any reference in the manual to a Cord Wrap feature on the GM1000 but I am sure I have seen it somewhere on the GM4000.  Does anybody happen to know if the GM1000 has a Cord Wrap feature and if so is it default on or do I have to select it somewhere?  If I am not going to be in the Obsy with it then I need to be certain I am not going to wrap it around itself.

Can anybody help?

Grateful in advance.


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10 Micron mounts have a hard stop so they can't rotate around themselves even if you tried to force it to do it.

WiFi on the GM1000? Never heard about that...must be a new feature?

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Thanks Ole,

That's what I needed to hear. Excuse my lack of understanding Equatorial mounts are so different to Fork.

Yes, it has WiFi; already set it up and run the mount with it. Very impressed with the mount - the quality of engineering is incredible and I can understand how this things is capable of long, unguided exposures.



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10 Micron mounts have a hard stop so they can't rotate around themselves even if you tried to force it to do it.

WiFi on the GM1000? Never heard about that...must be a new feature?

Yes, Per mentions it in his recent entry posted video link as a 'factory fit' option.
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