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Classic or ED Refracter for CG-4 mount?

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I might only have paid £200, but it didn't come with a finder. Mind you since owning an SCT, I find anything under 1000mm FL practically is a finder by comparison, but I may get me a Rigel QF, or a cheapo 8x50 RA off 'the boot'.

I'm working on the premise that it will fit the OTA internal diametre, so it's really just a choice of whether to leave the external thread on the steel OTA showing, or cut it off.

The Binoviewer won't actually come to focus with the 1.6x GPC/Barlow and a 2" diagonal in the standard focuser, but it's close. I think it would have done with the 1.25" Revelation Quartz, but the set-screw seized and I've sent it back for replacement.

The standard focuser body is actually quite long - 140mm from end of steel tube to face of 2" adaptor - whereas the TS is only 94mm. I'm hoping this may allow me to get away without the GPC, but if it doesn't, it will be close. If I cut the 10-15mm threaded section off for cosmetic reasons I reckon it definitely will, but I may then need an extension tube for cyclops viewing as the TS focuser only has 50mm of travel.

it will take a bit of careful measuring, but with a £200 scope, it's hard to go catastrophically wrong when Revelation 2" 35/50/80mm self centering extension tubes are only £17-23.


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