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What am I doing wrong ?

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Hi all, well iv got all the gear but no idea !!!

I recently brought a Canon DSLR D400 and have now just got a Celestron C10N Newtonian scope, I am trying to image any thing realy but can't seem to work out what setting I should set my SLR to, Im conecting my camera straight into the focuser with a 'T' ring but not getting any good images ?

can any one tell what I should set my camera to and if I am conecting it right or do I need any other equipment ?


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hey there,

I'm not going to pretend i know anything compared to the guys on here cause they really know their stuff

But i would suggest looking in the Tutorials & Primers area?

I'm looking to buy my first scope and found a lot of useful info in there.

Maybe you could find something to help you :D

Anyway, I hope that helps and you can get back to :( lol


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Is the D400 the same as a 400D? If it is then it's the same as mine so I'll describe what I do and that might make sense.

First my camera is set to M on the wheel on the top, ISO is set to 1600 and the picture quality is set to RAW. When my camera is hooked to the telescope I run it from my computer with EOS tools. If you are using it in prime focus then to focus it (using your telescope focuser) you'll need to do that visually through the view finder - the moon is quite handy to that with - Another point I have found quite useful is the second star up the tail of the Big Dipper - Mizar - you just play with the focuser until both Mizar and Alcol are visible in the viewfinder as quite separate stars - for me, that seems to work quite well with the focus.

The other thing to check is that you can get in focus with your setup. Some Newtonians don't have enough inwards travel to get in focus for imaging so you have to either collimate the primary mirror forward, get a low profile focuser or move the primary mirror forward. I had to move my primary forward (up the tube) about 3cm to get my 400D to focus.

I hope this helps.


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