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Jupiter and Saturn, 11/04/2015


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Hello, this is a couple of pictures shot during a deep sky observing session.

I wasn't going to do planetary shooting, but since the seeing was quite good, I decided to give it a go.

Firstly Jupiter, in the early night: I couldn't properly focus with my 2.5x barlow since I had to dim my laptop monitor, so I also took a video without it as safety measure, which proved to be the best shot of the evening:


Later in the night, when the moon was already rising, I had a better chance focusing with the barlow lens on saturn:


Both images were shot with a Meade ACF 8" on a HEQ6, using a QHY5L-II camera, stacking with autostakkert2 more or less 1000 frames out of 2000, and postprocessed with registax wavelets.

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Nice going Marco - that Saturn is very good for so early in the season, lots of fine structure in the rings and very clean.   In Milan, you'll have 14 degrees more elevation that we have in UK, but that will still be quite low this early on.

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I just noticed that jupiter link is broken, and takes you back to the "A" version (the overexposed one).

Here's the final version link


I'm also including the versions from my media gallery:

Jupiter, 11/04/2015

Saturn, 12/04/2015

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