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Solar Flats help please

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Evening everyone.

I would really like some help with this issue.

I use a DMK to capture along with ICCapture, I put the avi's through PiPP to cull & convert the video to be accepted into Autostakkert (seems native ICCapture file will not just load into Auto for some reason, or can it somehow ?)

I put my flat avi through the same process, load into Autostakkert & select Create Master Frame, save this out as a Tif, Load my Solar vid file & load the Master Flat, Analyze then stack & I still have the dust etc on the stacked image.

I have exhausted different variations in the workflow to no avail, any advice would be great.

Autostakkert settings are :-


Cropped (expanded fails as well)

Noise Robust 3 or 2

Local (AP)

HQ Refine

AP Size 20

Min Brightness 0

BUT............if I opt to stack 100% of frames it works :huh:  any ideas ?

The only thing I can think to do then is set PiPP to keep the best 100 frames and go from there.

All advice / help most welcome please.

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Scratch the 'if I use 100% it works' comment, it didn't, it's just as there are so many frames stacked it 'masks' the dust until I sharpen the image.

Back to square one.

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Have you tried getting PIPP to handle the flat frame calibration?  Simply add the image AVI file to the 'Image FIles List' and the flat AVI to the 'Flat Files List'.  That should then give you an AVI file with the dust removed.



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Have you tried getting PIPP to handle the flat frame calibration?  Simply add the image AVI file to the 'Image FIles List' and the flat AVI to the 'Flat Files List'.  That should then give you an AVI file with the dust removed.



Ok Ok Ok I am officially a dimwit :grin:

Thanks Chris, you know what every time I ran PiPP I thought 'oh I must start doing flats to drop in those boxes', in plain sight, great software btw.

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