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More RGB questions????


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Hi all:

When doing a batch run of a set of RGB avis in Pipp is the next processing step AS!2? Is the result of AS!2 saved as a bitmap file?  After wavelets processing in Registax is the image saved as a tiff?  In Photoshop is image profile converted to RGB and image saved as a tiff?

It is confusing for me!   :confused:

Thank you for clarifying this for me...again I am grateful!



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For one shot colour planetary, i do:

Run the avi through PIPP to sort the quality, and crop the area and align. The output file is another avi

I think run the new avi through registax (though sounds like you are using AS!2; the output file will be a tif

Load the tif into registax, fiddle with the wavelets. Save as a tif

Load the tif into photoshop, fiddle with whatever, save as tif [keep this safe] and then i save another copy as a jpg so i can easily load it to facebook

My old version of photoshop disn't let me save images as jpg for some reason, so i used to load the tif into faststone inage viewer [free] and then save as a jpg

Easy :)

[i am teasing, it's all confusing but from seeing your evolving results you are doing great]

If you actually are doing Red, green and blue filtered avi's, then i don't know what to do, as i'm a OSC kind of guy :)


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There are some variations to this, but this is my basic RGB processing routine:

* Start with 3 SER files (not AVIs), one each for R (90s), G (90s) and B (120s).

* Run each through PIPP.  Crop, Align, Quality, Histogram to 75% and generate WinJUPOS Compatible Filenames.  Output ULRG codec AVI files (Smaller files and AS!2 handles them if they are < 2GB).

* Stack each AVI in AS!2 to get 3 TIFF files.

* Wavelets in Reg 6. (This part can make or break the final image)

* Maybe do a slight 'fiddle' in Photoshop to each TIFF..

* Combine the 3 TIFFs in WinJUPOS to get a single RGB TIFF. (Recording->Image measurement followed by Tools->Derotation of R/G/B frames)

* Please do not be tempted to use R (or even worse IR) as a luminance layer.  It is obvious in the final result and looks horrible!

* More 'fiddling' in Photoshop to get final image.

Using WinJUPOS makes it less critical to capture the data with no time between them.  This allows a little breathing space to accurately refocus between each capture.



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Thank you very much James and Chris...I appreciate your great advice.  I did get Damien Peach's video and if I recall much of Chris's instruction includes same including WinJUPOS, which is way over my head at this point in my journey.

Without your help and that of other SGL members I would have been totally lost in this fascinating hobby.

When I first tried imaging I knew absolutely nothing about polar aligning (or anything else relating to astrophotgraphy for that matter) and had mixed feelings when Jupiter first showed up on my laptop screen...then quickly flitted across the screen. ..lol.  A very challenging hobby and sometimes frustrating....but very rewarding for those of us on the steep end of the learning curves when some progress is attained.

Cheers and Clear skies

Roger   :smiley:

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