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Best software for use with All Sky Camera


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I have been trying PHD2 and SharpCap but both have their limitations so I would like to start a discussion about which software we think is best and suggestions for alternatives.

What does eneryone think?

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A lot depends on the camera and what you are trying to do, if the camera has directshow drivers (I.E. QHY WDM drivers for live broadcast) or via video capture than HandyAVI is not bad  (http://www.azcendant.com/HandyAviOverview.html) though is not free.

If the aim is stream to the web then "Open Broadcast Software" (https://obsproject.com/) is an option, this has the advantage that you can capture the output from std camera window if no drivers are available. 

Auto exposure is one thing that is difficult to find a solution to, I tried a few programs with the QHY5L-II before going back to EZPlantery as it managed auto exposure and allows me to hook it in to my main CCTV system along with the bells and whistles that provides 

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My train of thought when setting up mine was as follows....

I didin't need live view, the view from an all-sky cam doesn't change that much from minute to minute, so a series of stills at 60 second intervals is more than adequate for my purposes. If you want to record meteors (something I've failed at) you need a much more sensitive camera/lens combo and you probably would need to capture live video.

So far as auto-iris or exposure, I didn't need that either. I just wanted images of the sky when it was dark, so I got exposure / stacking parameters that gave me a pleasing view in a dark sky and keep the camera with those settings loaded. When the sky is bright I can't see any stars anyway :grin:

Hence the software I use is just a nice, simple, surveillance camera package.

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Thank you :)

Personally I'm not quite sure yet what I want to do with the data but my primary aim is to keep an eye on the sky for impending cloud cover or even rain (or mist/fog).  So my principle requirement is software that will work with my QHY5 and show a good range of stars.  It would be nice to publish the data but streaming will probably not be an option due to very slow internet connection.  An image every few minutes and maybe a video from dusk to present time would be good. 

In a few months I may get a better camera such as the ZWO ASI 120MM but for the moment it will be the QHY5 I think or possibly LodeStar but I haven't tried that.

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