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Double / Triple mount rig.


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I know these are out there, but in the spirit of DIY, I would be interested to see if you think this idea has any merit?

see the image below


This should allow me to have a guide scope on one end, a main scope (ED80) on the other amd  a DSLR placed centrally, benefitting from the guiding.

any thoughts?

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its a nice idea but I'm not sure a counterweight can ever be necessary. Even with an 8" newt and a 60mm frac on a twelve inch dual bar, I can find balance. I may well be missing something so if thats the case, ignore my ramblings :)

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True. It may not be needed. In which case I will leave it off for now.

Nice idea David. Will give it some thought, but my instant reaction is that my router is not man enough for the job to cut a slot for the ball head fixing.

I think this make is definitely on the horizon. Especially when I get a mount that can be auto guided.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, after a bit of waiting for the right parts, I have started this as it will get use and I want a small easy make.

Got myself a couple of pieces of plate aluminium off eBay.

1 off. 410mm x 50mm x 12.5mm

1 off. 350mm x 19mm x 19mm

I put the 50mm wide piece through the table saw (v. Carefully) to cut the 15 degree angles to make the dovetail.

Then did the same down one side and only half way up the side of the 19mm piece. I then diced that up into 4 x 70mm long pieces.

I drilled the ends of the dovetail and matched those holes with sets of two I then drilled in the 70mm pieces (not all the way through, about 14mm deep). The holes in the dovetail i made clearance holes for m6 bolts and heavily countersunk the back side to lose the bolt heads. The holes in the 70mm pieces I drilled 5mm diameter, and then tapped out to m6.

Bolted these together and that's where I am now.

Have a look at the photos. (Which may not upload in the right order even tough I tried)






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Ha, still don't think you under engineered it. Looks rock solid :grin: . DIY means destroy it yourself for me, if you powdercote / anodise you'll probably get a dozen orders off SGL. I have posted a pic of my triple mounted skytee in another thread, I just could not contemplate the metalwork you have done.

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All that being said I've only used a table saw, a hand drill, an M6 tap and eBay to get this together. And in time, it's probably only two afternoons careful ( measure twice cut once) work.

I can't justify......and am to tight to shell out £65 and upwards for one that's probably less solid, even if it is anodised.

This one cost me £15.

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