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Are the different seasons better than others for stargazing? Bearing in mind that I have this stupid thing called my house ( who even invented these?all they do is get in the way xD) blocking my view towards the south horizon

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I like late summer - August specifically - for the Milky Way arching overhead (Where visible!) and all the wonders of Cygnus, Lyra, Sagittarius et al. Plus it's usually warm for observing as a bonus.

My back-stop is April, the high-season for galaxy. It's when I take holiday, and this year I'll be heading for some dark skies in Cornwall...


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It's a nice question.

Spring is fondly termed the 'galaxy season' for on our way around the Sun, we are able to view out from the Milky Way. Leo and Virgo always put on a great display. Summer is the incredible months of gorgeous nights in t-shirts and iced drinks as we turn in space and look towards the centre of the Milky Way. Here you can see great star fields and nebulae and globulars. Sagittarius and the Milky Way band are mind blowing. Autumn is no less impressive as we are able to see more galaxies and then there's Winter, the sparkling months of open clusters and Orion. During the year, you can also try your hand at double stars, planets and comets as they appear. The Moon is on the scene for quite sometime during each month and the Sun is a generous old fella who pops up everyday with always something new to give.

Sadly, I don't think 2015 will be much of a year to view Mars. Jupiter is at its finest now and Saturn will be at its best around the Summer.

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