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Skipping DSLR and going straight to CCD ?


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It took me a while to come back to this post. I really enjoyed reading all of you and it just showed me how much of a noobie I am :)

So to summarize:

- get a faster scope like a Skywatcher Esprit ED80 APO

- if you have the means, go straight to mono CCD ... it's easier (Hollypenrice own words !) if not, hey it's not so bad

- guiding and good mount is key

- do not be affraid

- put your divorce lawyer and banker on speed dial

Thanks guys/girls for all your inputs !

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If I had known at the beginning how much I was going to get sucked into this damned hobby I would have gone straight for narrowband CCD. No question.

It's not a matter of time. I'm mostly interested in nebula. They are mostly narrowband emissions. Narrowband filters will cut out all the stuff you are not interested in.

Whether that be street lights of any other light pollution.

And nebula are there night after night. It's not like any other photography in that respect.

good luck



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If I had known at the beginning how much I was going to get sucked into this damned hobby I would have gone straight for narrowband CCD. No question.

It's not a matter of time. I'm mostly interested in nebula. They are mostly narrowband emissions. Narrowband filters will cut out all the stuff you are not interested in.

Whether that be street lights of any other light pollution.

And nebula are there night after night. It's not like any other photography in that respect.

good luck



As a canadian living in Paris ('The city of lights')... I say amen to that :)

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