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My only decent pictures of the Moon


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I posted a topic in the beginner imaging section for help. I got some helpful responses. I saved this picture because I thought it was the best and deleted the others. This is one of the better pictures I managed to get of the Moon. I attempted to make it larger in MS paint so it looked more like what I say in the 25mm eyepiece. Large enough to look ok and keep the detail as I saw it or just about. This hobby has a real learning curve. I also used the Microsoft Office Picture Manager autocorrect on one of the pictures. They are the same though. I used my Orion Observer 70 EQ with a Sony Cyber Shot and the Steady Pix Deluxe. This was my first time doing this.



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Thank you PeterCPC. I am getting a moon filter. I had bought one from Orion before but it had a defect in the lens. Either a speck of dirt or something. I am learning how to take these kinds of pictures. I adjusted the exposure settings on my camera. I have had plenty of problems though. :)

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