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Any tricks for focussing when solar imaging

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I am planning on doing some solar imaging over the next few days, weather permitting.  This will, in part, be a 'rehearsal' for 20 March.

I've done some planetary and lunar imaging.  When focussing, I usually do a 'visual focus' on the object that I am imaging.  I then go to a nearby star and use a Bahtinov mask.  Often I find that the attempt to focus visually was close, but not quite there - some tweaking is required with the Bahtinov in place.

Of course when I try my hand at solar, I will not have the option of using the Bahtinov.  Am I dependent only then on my eyeball and laptop screen?  Are there any tips or tricks that folks might have with regard to getting good focus on the sun when trying to image it?

Thanks, in anticipation of your assistance. 

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I used a mask with two largish holes one each side of the axis  (think two off axis stops). This produces two images that overlap at focus. By looking at the limb and focusing quickly the images seem to snap in focus at the focal point. I did this with a camera rather than visually.

Regards Andrew

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