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Revelation 2" to 1.25" self-centering adapter - Faulty or just naff design?

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I recently purchased a Revelation 2" to 1.25" self-centering adapter. Various reviews & comments about these type of adapters all seemed fairly favourable but mine is now languishing in the bottom of the waste paper basket - what a piece of junk!

It uses a helical compression mechanism to centre and firmly hold your eyepiece, camera etc. so no more worrying about marking your eyepieces and accessories with traditional threaded bolts or off-centering with compression rings. All sounds great in theory, just a shame it doesn't hold anything whatsoever in place. The ring that compresses around the eyepiece, or diagonal in my case, seems to be made of some sort of plastic. Now, I'm no engineering genius but surely smooth plastic isn't going to grip a smooth metal barrel with much solidity? Well, it doesn't... not even remotely. I've tried numerous eyepieces and two different diagonals in this adapter and even tightening the thing to the point of almost bursting a blood vessel, I can still easily twist and even pull the eyepiece or diagonal out quite easily. Fitting any kind of barrel with an undercut is even worse. The slightest knock and loses it's grip completely, as I discovered when my diagonal simply fell out on to the carpet.

Maybe the one I purchased was faulty but on inspection it seems a pretty ropey design in the first place. Apologies for the minor rant but I really can't see what all the fuss is about these adapters. I personally think they're dreadful.

OK, rant over. Thank you for listening and you can all go back to what you were doing before I rudely interrupted you.

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