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First Lunar Mosaic


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Early Saturday evening (24 Jan 2015), I set up the ED80 for some DSO photography.  It hadn't got dark and the moon was high in the sky, so I thought I'd try taking some video of the moon with my ZWO ASI120.  I took 8 videos, processed them in AS2 and then got Photoshop to stitch together the resulting TIFFs.  This was my first go at doing a mosaic of any sort.  The sky was still blue when I took the videos.  Here is the result:


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Good work. You are on a slippery slope now ;-)  Did you first use PIPP before stacking?

I did the first couple in AS2. It was showing that the videos were of OK quality. So I processed the rest as a batch in PIPP. Not sure exactly what I was doing - it was my first time using PIPP. I got PIPP to choose the best 600 (out of 3000) frames. I just used the defaults in PIPP. I assume that is the way to do it? Then stacked 100% of the 600 frames in AS2. After making the mosaic, I went into Astra to deconvolute. People keep telling me I should be using van Cittert, but I simply cannot get a good result with this - so I used the Lucy-Richardson process.

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