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More time on M81 & M82

Roy Batty

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Had a chance to add to the data already collected on this one from the 4th March with about 35 mins more taken yesterday on the 22nd of March, this takes it up to about 85 mins in total.

All subs are 1min ISO1600, unguided - stacked in DSS, processed mainly using PS CS3.


PS Just tidied up a bit following beamish's comment, gradient was alot more prominent on posting.



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Plenty of slack time with the weather as it is :rolleyes: so had a go at bringing out some of the fainter detail I was sure was in there.

I think it improves the overall detail on M81, if anything else it's always a useful learning experience each new time I use PS CS3.

PS - re-oriented image to the more conventional layout for these two as well.




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that is quality there fella,very very nice.

so those are the two in ursa major that are in same FOV right?

Yep that's right, but of course it depends upon the ep your using - I seem to remember I can just squeeze them into the same fov using a 20mm on my C8-N


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