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Jupiter with DLSR and no tracking

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Almost certainly a daft question but...

I've an SW 200P on an eq5 with no tracking yet. I know this is a very poor set up for imaging anything other than the moon or Sun but with Jupiter being so bright at opposition I'm wondering whether it might just be possible to use this set up to get a few images.

I'm hoping I could get away with multiple 1/4 second or less shots with my DLSR mounted directly to the tube (I already have the T-ring and got some moon shots I was happy with like this - see attached). What do you think? Doable or fantasy?

If it is possible which software should I use for stacking? I have registax but isn't this more for webcam type images?

Any advice much appeciated.


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It should be fine ive managed Jupiter with my small frac on a camera tripod I did use a barlow lens though that gave me all of 800mm fl so you should be ok especially if you can use a barlow.

Registax is fine but run the image/video through PIPP 1st to crop and center.


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