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Another Jupiter - 16/01/15


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Been a while since I've been able to go for Jupiter, but finally got my chance on Friday. The seeing wasn't too bad, but it wasn't great either. Still, quite happy with the way these turned out...

Jupiter at F/25 - single frame IrRGB image


Jupiter and its moons, moons taken at F/10, IrRGB, Jupiter same as above.


Same as above, but for this one I tried to reduce the noise a bit more. Not sure which is better.


Same as above, but with moons labelled.


All taken with my Explorer 200P, and my DMK21. 2-3000 frames taken, 1250 stacked, Pre-processed with PIPP, stacked + waveletted in RegiStax 6, with some post-processing (mainly noise reduction, and sharpening) in PS and GIMP.


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