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Primary distance 200PDS ?

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Just a quick one, can anyone tell me the distance from the outside of their primary mirror to the outside edge of the OTA, got a feeling I have moved mine up too far when collimating, an inside measurement would be great in millimeters, any help greatly appreciated.


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Just caught up with the post ! 
On closer inspection I noticed that the main locking bolts weren't touching the mirror, only the sprung thumbscrews, I found myself with a rare opportunity on Tuesday night, A CLEAR SKY !
Using liveview and Polaris I started to carry out a full collimation, secondary ( which was miles out for some reason) and primary. It took about an hour and a half faffing about in freezing temps but I persevered and can confirm that with warmer fingers and another half hour I'll achieve good collimation.
Thanks Lee


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