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starting out with dslr and telescope

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hi all i'm a bit of a newbee when it comes to telescopes ,was wondering i use a nikon d3300 dslr and want to take some pics with it off the moon and planets and of course the nebula and milky way is there a specific telescope i need and what makes i could use many thanks 

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No specific scope more a specific type of scope.

The easy guide is small and fast.

The "small" means that any mount finds it easier to carry the scope and DSLR, and the effect of wind and focal length is minimised.

I suppose the starter options are a 130PDS or a 70mm ED refractor.

For any long exposure you need a tracking mount at least, so an EQ5 with dual motors.

For any possible expansion the HEQ5 with mototrs andultimately goto.

One "problem" is that DSO and planetary imaging have different requirements and approaches,

Planetary is often with an SCT/Mak and a webcam - you take a viseo.

DSO is long exposure with DSLR or CCD and a short fast scope.

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For planetary imaging you will be taking video in AVI format - you can do this with a DSLR - I do it with my Canon and I assume the Nikon can do that as well. You then stack the best shots in stacking software like AS!2 or Registax.


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hi all i'm a bit of a newbee when it comes to telescopes ,was wondering i use a nikon d3300 dslr and want to take some pics with it off the moon and planets and of course the nebula and milky way is there a specific telescope i need and what makes i could use many thanks 

You do not need a telescope, you can use whatever lens you have. What you can not do without is a suitable mount. I am not going to get into recommendations but you can have a read of this .bf-astro.com/widedslr.pdf

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For planetary imaging you will be taking video in AVI format - you can do this with a DSLR - I do it with my Canon and I assume the Nikon can do that as well. You then stack the best shots in stacking software like AS!2 or Registax.


I'm going to be a really horrible pedant here but the D3300 does not record in .AVI and there are plenty of older DSLRs that can't take video footage at all (some not very old at all). Not trying to be a know-it-all but I wouldn't like the OP to spend a frustrating evening trying to make his camera do something it can't.

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The Nikon D3300 records video in either MPEG-4 format or H.264 HD.

If you use MPEG-4 then there are many video format converters available for FREE to enable convertion to AVI. before running it through Registax for stacking. (just do a net search for video converters for MPEG-4 to AVI)

It adds an extra stage to the process but not a real problem.

Give it a go Mediumz and enjoy.

The 130PDS is a very good choice.

Best regards.

Sandy. :grin:

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I think that PIPP will also convert MPEG to AVI for stacking and you can use it to select the best frames for stacking into AS!2.

Also, if you use BYE it will capture in AVI format.


Not with a Nikon Camera I am sorry to say Peter.

There is a Beta version of BYN available but it is not yet fully debugged. :sad:

Best regards.

Sandy. :grin:

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