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Celestron Skymaster 20 x 80 - owners - help !


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Evenin all.  Owned a pair of these binos for a while.  More than happy with them.  However,  just one big niggle.  The " locking " nut that tightens up on the central " silver bar " that runs down the centre on the binos, will not lock out.    The binos wobble and from side to side when in use on my tripod or monopods I have.  I dont mean  attaching to a tripod - thats fine.  Its the " top locking nut " that is not living up to it's name.

Tried a bit of rubber down the thread to try and get it to " lock off " but with no luck.

Good chance i'm missing the blindingly obvious, as i often do.

Any ideas to try and resolve the issue.

Regards and thanks in advance as always.


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It's purpose is not to stop the binoculars rocking, but to stop them (and the bar) sliding back & forth. Given the relative distances from thecentre of rotation, you wouild need one heck of a force to stop them rocking. You get exactly the same on "normal" binoculars on a tripod adaptor. If they do rotate in use, just put them back at the angle you want them.

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Rubber is too soft, plastic is too brittle.

Normally there is a circular nylon plug, or spacer,  attached to the bottom of the threaded "locking nut", as you call it.

I own a leather punch hand tool, that punches different size holes in leather, such as a man's leather belt.

If you cannot make a tiny, circular, nylon spacer you could always try using a tiny circular leather spacer instead.

The idea is to tighten the "locking nut" enough to keep the binocular from sliding back & forth on the metal rail, without damaging the metal rail.


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