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Ioptron startracker


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Hi all stargazers I am ashish from india I wanted to purchase either a ioptron startracker or a vixen polarie. Can someone please point as to where I can get one online or any other route also are they available second hand and at what cost

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Have no information about the Polarie but the iOptron is sold here (Altair Astro) and in Germany (Telescope Service).

No idea about shipping the India.

Looked at the iOptron site www.ioptron.com and they have a list of dealers worldwide, none in India however.

Perhaps have a look at the list and you may have an idea which country/dealership may be the easiest for you to purchase from.

iOptron Dealers

They do not come up used very often, cannot recall seeing one but not really looked much either. Again you would ahve the problems of payment and shipping to India. You really need to know someone that visits Europe/UK/US and get them to pick one up for you.

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It might be worth sending an email to both companies to ask who are their distributors in India for what you are interested in.

Secondhand price is what the settlers wants or is prepared to accept but it is finding one for sale and a seller prepared to ship.

Sorry I have no other ideas.

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