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premium plossl eyepiece


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Hello all,

has anyone used these or comment on these from skys the limit.

i am massively impressed with my bst starguiders i got from there, only thing is my wife prefers the softer eye cup on my meade sp, so would this be a good alternative?


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I have not used them but having a quick look i would say they are the same as the skywatcher super plossl, not bad but just a plossl, if you look on Astroboot they have some GSO/Revelation plossl`s for £15 each new, now these are a superb plossl

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Thanks for reply,

Is it the STL Premium Plossl that are compared to Celestron Omni that you had a quick look at as there is more than one type.advertised.

dont get me wrong, your advice is really appreciated with me being inexeperienced in this field. Loads of potential pitfalls!

i liked the look of the revalation ones you suggested.


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Just my opninion, but the Revelation plossl is by far the best value for money, being only second best to a Televue plossl and at £15 each a total bargain, i have ordered the 15mm just for the fun of it

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I agree with Jules that the GSO made Revelation plossls are very good and excellent value. They compare pretty well with Tele Vue plossls which cost substantially more. I've used some of the Celestron Omni plossls and they are nothing special to be honest, not bad but pretty much the same as the Skywatcher regular plossls. Skys the Limit seem to have 2 types of plossl on offer, the silver coloured ones which have the same spec as the Skywatchers and the 500 series plossls which are quite poor I believe.

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Thanks again, is GSO Revelation one type of ep or 2, what i mean is it made byone for the other,


i realise i started this with premium plossl

but, i have just been looking through a magazine and this caught my eye and may be what im looking for in respect to comfort.

Altair lightwave 6mm ler 1.25 planetry eyepiece

it comes in 3 5 6 mm

i believe 6mm will give me 333 magnification which i realise is towards limits of my x400 what 5mm would give me.

Do you have any thoughts or recommends about this with my set up.

i already have magnification of 250 with my 8mm but just want to push a little further!


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I don't think 333x will get used that often, let alone 400x. With my 12" scope I find 250x-300x the most useful range. When I had a Celestron 8" SCT my best views of the planets came with an 8mm Tele Vue plossl. On one memorable night I got my best ever views of Saturn with that scope / eyepiece combination.

A good 7mm eyepiece giving 286x might be worth having for nights of great seeing.

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There are just a few gear manufacturers but loads of brands. Needless to say a lot of re-branding goes on !

Sometimes you see the same item for sale under half a dozen different brand names at half a dozen different prices - very confusing :rolleyes2: 

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The problem is that 1mm can make a big difference in magnification, especially when talking about an 8" SCT.

For 7mm you could look at the Celestron X-Cel range, they have a 7mm.and would give about 285x.

Just no idea what the eye cups are like, as that was the initial reason for the post.

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I'm with John, a decent 7mm eyepiece is what you may need. Since your scope has a tracking than a good Ortho like 7mm Astro Hutech would be preferable for planetary observations, IMO. As for the Celestron X-Cel, its eyeguard made of a hard rubber. If the eyeguard is really important for your wife than a 6.5mm Meade HD-60 might be the answer, it has a soft rubber eyeguard. But it'll give you 307x what could be too much for many nights.

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