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Adapter Ring Won't Budge... Please Help!


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The small adapter ring that goes between my CCD and the skywatcher reducer for my 80ED is stuck on the reducer... I just can't move it. I have tried the rubber glove trick, which normally works, but it is well and truly welded on this time. Please does anyone have any cunning tricks to help it move?

Thankfully it is stuck in a useful position, so I can still use everything, but it just annoys me that I can't remove it!

Thank you.

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The small adapter ring that goes between my CCD and the skywatcher reducer for my 80ED is stuck on the reducer... I just can't move it. I have tried the rubber glove trick, which normally works, but it is well and truly welded on this time. Please does anyone have any cunning tricks to help it move?

Thankfully it is stuck in a useful position, so I can still use everything, but it just annoys me that I can't remove it!

Thank you.

Tinker's suggestion is good. If it doesn't work I suggest that you put the reducer on a flat surface with the front element facing up and cover the front element. Squirt a little WD 40 between the stuck adapter threads and leave for 24 hours and it will come loose. Do not spray the WD 40 all over the place as it is not good for the coatings. As the rear element of the reducer is facing down, sitting on the adapter, the WD 40 will only penetrate downwards and not toward the rear element. Use rubber gloves to unscrew them. I had two ultra low profile M48 to T adapters that had got stuck due to over tightening and nothing would get them loose even a hot hair drier gun but WD 40 did the job. Keep a very thin film of WD 40 between the threads and they wont get stuck again unless over tightened . When I make parts for my model engineering projects I do make sure that Aluminium is not used for screwing parts together to avoid fusing.


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