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CD on David Malin.


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My imaging co-conspirator Tom (O'Donoghue) kindly gave me this CD for Christmas and I've just enjoyed watching it:


This is a biographical film about the life and work of the professional astrophotographer David Malin whose pre-CCD images are the greatest of their genre ever made. The man himself is also a delight to meet on the CD. I had no idea that his origins, like mine, are Lancastrian.  Anyone interested in astronomy, and particularly in astro-imaging, would be delighted by this wholeheartedly enjoyable film. The double CCD also contains a host of Malin pictures.



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I had the pleasure of meeting David Malin a couple of times, top bloke and a local to boot. The first time I met him I was working on our original camera obscura in the dark. I was aware of someone walking in but couldn't see who it was. After some short conversation I asked if he was interested in astronomy, he replied that he worked at the AAT and was David Malin, you could have knocked me down with a feather duster!. On another occasion David came to give us a talk on his work during one of our early star parties. Apparently he had earlier that day given the same talk at a function in Leeds attended by around ten people including his mother, at our event he was greeted by a cheering crowd of about 250 amateur astronomers in a large marquee, someone threw him a can of beer Crocodile Dundee fashion and he was away!. It has since been reported that he often mentions this event in other company.   :smiley:  

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That's a great story, Peter, and you're a (deservedly) lucky man! I get to meet and entertain a very small number of professionals and they are the nicest people on earth without exception.

Sometimes I'm asked about modern amateur CCD images like mine versus those of David Malin and I usually begin with, 'Yes, but... and this is a very big but.....'


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