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gap between clouds.


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hi all just managed half an hour outside got some great views of moon at lots of different magnification and as usual spent most of the time looking at saturn and could see 3 moons think the one above saturn is titan started spitting rain so i came in . :afro: :saturn: :moon:

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lucky beggar! I've been waiting and waiting for the supposed clear spell since 3pm.

Still waiting now, as I have something I want to try for widefield imaging.

If the clear spot doesnt come soon, I'll be in the hot tub and will miss it anyway....

Did you get any pics? or just visual?

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dont believe what they say, its a piece of cake. You can get decent pics just by whacking your camera on the end of your eyepiece. You can even borrow my camera attacher thingy if you like!!

What kit do you have?

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dont believe what they say, its a piece of cake. You can get decent pics just by whacking your camera on the end of your eyepiece. You can even borrow my camera attacher thingy if you like!!

What kit do you have?

the only camera i have is a kodak 7mega pixel digital camera.


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do you want to borrow my adapter thingymajig?

It fastens over the ep, and the cam has up down sideways etc options. Very basic, but I have used it for attaching my camcorder to the tube.

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