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Photoshop has thrown a 'wobbly' !!!!!

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In the past I have put the name of the object and date on my images just for future reference.

I opened an 8meg tiff this evening and 6 point text is half the height of the screen and despite being left justified the typing appears right to left although once the next letter is entered it corrects itself but punctuation marks appear at the left even though they were typed in last!!!!

The screen shot shows the image size of about 9mm x 6mm !!!!

Have I clicked something by accident or is this a known glitch - its never done it before!!


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Last issue (for tonight!) - why is it inserting exclamation marks at the start of the sentence !!???

Sorry, you've had your free answer, follow-up questions cost £5.00 a pop ........... All joking aside, I haven't a clue why you are getting the exclamation marks, most strange.

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I would gladly pay a fiver !!!!!  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

I have found the answer and I am posting the fix in case anyone else has the same issue of numbers and exclamation marks appearing at the start of the sentence and right to left typing.

A recent Adobe update has changed the type system on some machines from Eastern Asian to Middle Eastern!!!  Eastern Asian is the correct choice for the UK (??????!!!!!!)

The fix is Edit > Preferences > Type > uncheck Middle Eastern and check Eastern Asian - Voila !!!!!  

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