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IC 1871 Mono


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Before the rain resumed persisting down in the small hours last night there was a nice clear patch with a moon not too bright to ruin the fun. There is a colour version in the pipeline but I don't have anywhere near enough OIII yet, so you will have to make do with a mono for the time being.

I do have a question about the small jet to the left of the main rising pillar of gas in the image, is it a Herbig Haro jet, and if so, what is it's catalogue number? I can't find any reference to it being one on the net, but it does look like it might be.

Image details;

5.5 hours exposure in 900 sec subs with an Astrodon 3nm Ha filter, Altair 6"RC and Atik 460ex. Hard lifting in Pixinsight and fancy bits in Photoshop CS5.

Thank you for looking :)


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