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Bent Skywatcher eq3-2 latitude bolts replacements - that old chestnut...


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Hi everyone - a little while ago I was posting about one of my latitude/altitude bolts becoming bent inside my eq3-2 mount (it may have been because I inserted the short one where the long should have been but I can't remember...). With a bit of luck I found an engineering firm in Cowfold that managed to get the thoroughly stuck bolt moving, then cut and removed with needle nose pliers without damaging the threads. Phew. Now I'm after a replacement bolt or bolts. The scope came from Harrisons Telescopes who suggested search for standard 8mm replacements.

I've had a search around and on here a everyone is talking about actually replacing the bolts with something better - from pictures I've seen they look a lot better for my arthritic hands (Google Swan Neck Deformity!). Astro Baby I think suggested getting some from astro developments?

Is this my next direct course of action to get my scope going again as it's been out of commission for several months, get completely new bolts and clean up the plate inside the pivot that has been ground up a bit by the bolt thread (hence the thought the wrong bolt was in the wrong side...)? If so, are these replacement bolts generic for all eq models?

many thanks!


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Different mounts have different sized bolts, although from what you have said the EQ3 may be the same as the EQ5, I think the HEQ5 is bigger. They are (may be) different lengths, however I think different suppliers will have differing lengths - one place probably just cuts 120mm lengths of stud, where another cuts 100mm lengths then fashions the end bits.

Several places produce them, I got mine at 365Astronomy. It sounds that you have a grip problem so it would be worth tracking down a set that makes life easier. I suppose somewhere like Astro Developments would put on the end anything you request.

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Astrodevelopments don't do a replacement set for the EQ3 - I've just checked.

Looking on Ebay, I found these - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Skywatcher-EQ5-Pro-mount-Upgraded-Latitude-Altitude-Adjustment-Bolts-/331079832954?pt=UK_Photography_Telescopes&hash=item4d15e5557a - if you decide to order please check with them before ordering to make sure they are the same as the EQ5.

I don't know if they are.



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