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Celestron Evolution C9.25 First Look & Half Light Report

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is a great RACI but I keep leaving the lights on with it and the batteries are always flat when I get out there. Have I got any spares in the box? Of course not!! I have got used to using it now without it lighting up. You can get pretty good alignment on a distant object in the daytime, then fine tune it out in the field.

hi again John, did you have any fuss with raci when aligning with your scope, I just cannot seem to get it spot on with both adjustment screws tight with my scope, I seem to need the raci Finder to move further left toward my scope but the adjustment screws won't screw in any further

I am finding this nearly as difficult as that handset holder !!!!!! .( well not quite lol)

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No, mine seems OK in that regard, only needs small adjustments on the scews, if you adjust right through the whole range of the screw you might see it jump across by quite a bit. Failing this you could try checking the position of the finder on the rail?

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There's another screw under the findscope you can adjust with a screwdriver.

My celestron RACI finder could be easily aligned with those two screws for a long time. One day it became quite off, not even losen or tighten the screw under could get it properly aligned. I put in a spacer between the screw and finder to get it work.


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There's another screw under the findscope you can adjust with a screwdriver.

My celestron RACI finder could be easily aligned with those two screws for a long time. One day it became quite off, not even losen or tighten the screw under could get it properly aligned. I put in a spacer between the screw and finder to get it work.


Many thanks, I will give this a try & let you know,
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YKSE, I replicated what I saw in your photo, it appears to have solved my problem , many thanks for helping I appreciate the time and effort you made to assist me with this problem.


Member WADAS

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  • 3 months later...
On 12/7/2015 at 00:51, JG777 said:

Sounds good Eric. Good luck for Tuesday night. I was out earlier with mine we had a clear night, first one in ages and the FLO app is predicting Tuesday clear as well so will go out again.

Ok a few more tips some based on silly mistakes I made. Have a look here http://www.latlong.net/lat-long-dms.html this site gives you co-ordinates in the required format of the Hand Controller, it needs to be in DMS ( degrees, minutes and seconds) . You tap these in to the HCs custom time site which you will need up there in Winscar. If for example you are going to the resovoir then this comes out as 1° 46' 2.2692'' W and 53° 31' 9.3828'' N. The HC takes the W cordinate first which is longitude and ensure it is set to West not East. Then tap in the latitude which is North. You can do this before you leave home and the settings will save. If you get this mixed up like I did once your scope will not align. Then ensure correct time, correct date in Month / day / year format , universal time and standard time. If you get that all in correct you are good to go. Yoy probably already know this stuff :shocked::shocked:

2 star align is very reliable although you might want to give 3 star skyalign a go but I find skyalign a bit fussy. I used 2 star earlier and used Polaris as my first star then chose Vega for the second. Now dont ditch the RDF just yet because I admit I do have one on my scope as well as the RACI. It is a very decent RDF unlike the Celestron abomination, but an RDF is useful to get you into the general ball park area at the sart of the align. Ensure the RACI and RDF are aligned with the scope as near accurate as you can manage, this really helps things. Once you have the star in the eye piece defocus it and turn it into a big doughnut. This helps to centre it in the EP.

When you align try and ensure you approach each star from the same direction. Usually moving up and to the right.

Some people report they get better results if they mount the scope slightly forward heavy. I personally do not preffering to have it balanced, but this may work for you.

There are some indentation markers on the bottom edge of the mount for lining up with the bolts. Thats what I use in the dark.

Check you lower clearance on the OTA once you have the visual back, diagonal and EP in place. You might need to set a slew limit.

Have you got ant dew control? These big SCTs do fog up a bit without warning!

Les us know how you get on. Have a great evening.

Hi again, any thoughts on what I should set my slew limit to when I have my focal reducer/t connector or visual back and atik infinity camera connected, I have it at 70 deg at moment, but yet to use out in the field so to speak


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3 hours ago, 2STAR said:

Hi again, any thoughts on what I should set my slew limit to when I have my focal reducer/t connector or visual back and atik infinity camera connected, I have it at 70 deg at moment, but yet to use out in the field so to speak


I guess this all depends on how far your set up protrudes before colliding with the mount. So a bit of trial and error to set the slew as high as you can possibly get before a collision.

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  • 4 months later...

Thank you so much for this excellent review.  I just got my evo 9.25 and this helped me immensely.  I too have the same problem with the RDF mount.  The slide came loose and fell off, and now I can't put it back on securely!  I am awaiting a clear night to test the scope out, but it seems to be everything I wanted and more.  Thanks for producing the best review of this scope !

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  • 1 year later...

Hello John, I want to thank you SO much for your review of the C9.25 and all of the other suggestions and information. Even though your Review and posts are 2-3 years old and the corresponding photos no longer appear, I am very close to ordering the C9.25 based on all of the information within this thread. 

I have to be honest. I have absolutely zero experience with telescopes but have always been interested in astronomy yet never followed through. After experiencing the recent Solar Eclipse here in America (on August 21, 2017) it has totally sparked my interest and now I want to jump in and get a telescope that I can grow with. I do not believe that I will lose interest (even with some frustration) and will spend the amount of money it takes to own the C9.25. I could be getting in (initially) way over my head but feel I will be able to handle it in the long run.  I have been reading, reading, reading and learning. I also have a cheat sheet but the acronyms drive me nuts sometimes. (Haha! Oh well...maybe a short trip anyway!) Amazon here in the States has the C9.25 for US $2199.00 and it includes an Accessory Kit (5 Celestron Plossl Eyepieces, 1.25in Barlow Lens, 1.25in Filter Set, Accessory Carry Case) or Celestron is offering the C9.25 on their site for US $1979.00 but not with the accessory kit.  Would you (or anyone else in this thread) suggest that I purchase the C9.25 with the free Accessory Kit or go for Celestron's deal (saving US $220.00) and purchase maybe a 2" EP plus something else? 

All, pease don't fault/flame me for jumping into this. I know some will call me crazy or just plain stupid especially that I have no experience, haven't joined a local club, tried out any other telescope (except for one, model unknown) etc. but believe me, i will/can learn. Thanks in advance for all of your help!



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14 minutes ago, gtis said:

Hi Janet 

to be honest I wouldn't bother with the accessory kit just get the 9.25 and get the rest as when you get more experience that's what I did when I got the evolution 6 



Neil, Your Advice is Much Appreciated! I'm hadn't even planned on ordering a case yet...just to be sure until I decide that I'll keep the telescope I decide on purchasing. I'm pretty excited reading all of the discussions and seeing the photos of what others have viewed with the 9.25 and less expensive models as well. What a fun hobby it is going to be!

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Hi Janet,

Welcome to SGL!

Thank you for your kind words I am pleased the review helped you in your decision. I think we have all been there when buying scopes trying to find the right one at the right price and also one that can be versatile and will get used. That last point is so important as observing for me at home is not really practical but I have a few dark sites nearby I can use and taking the Evo out to them is not too much trouble at all.  It is certainly a scope you can grow into and there is no end of help on here if you get any issues. Of course there will be a learning curve but once mastered the big Evo will open up the heavens and show you some spectacular sights. After a while you will gain an idea of what objects you like looking at and then tailor things to suit your interests.  So this moves it onto your question about eyepieces. Personally it may seem tempting to pick up a complete set for the extra 220 dollars or so but for that money you could get 2 or 3 intermediate and better quality EPs. I am no expert on EPs and watch very carefully on here for other peoples advice especially as I am about to upgrade mine so it might be worth asking the question here or doing a search. Certainly the set will get you on the way for a time but as you hone your interest you will aim for EPs to complement them.

One thing to consider is a dew shield and maybe some heater tapes or indeed a dew shield that is heated, These SCTs are dew magnets!. 

No one is going to flame you for jumping in like this, if it does not work out you can sell and adapt to something that will work for you so do not get bogged down by your choices. Read as much as you can, sometimes between the lines as well and remember just about everyone here has bought and sold a scope after finding it was not quite right! This hobby is great fun, sometimes frustrating, usually always expensive but very addictive and rewarding. The Evo 9.25 took my own astronomy to a whole new level and although I have smaller scopes for different situations usually time related when the right moment presents itself it is the 9.25 that comes out for the very memorable evenings. 

Look forward to hearing about your adventures.

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2 minutes ago, JG777 said:

Hi Janet,

Welcome to SGL!

Thank you for your kind words I am pleased the review helped you in your decision. I think we have all been there when buying scopes trying to find the right one at the right price and also one that can be versatile and will get used. That last point is so important as observing for me at home is not really practical but I have a few dark sites nearby I can use and taking the Evo out to them is not too much trouble at all.  It is certainly a scope you can grow into and there is no end of help on here if you get any issues. Of course there will be a learning curve but once mastered the big Evo will open up the heavens and show you some spectacular sights. After a while you will gain an idea of what objects you like looking at and then tailor things to suit your interests.  So this moves it onto your question about eyepieces. Personally it may seem tempting to pick up a complete set for the extra 220 dollars or so but for that money you could get 2 or 3 intermediate and better quality EPs. I am no expert on EPs and watch very carefully on here for other peoples advice especially as I am about to upgrade mine so it might be worth asking the question here or doing a search. Certainly the set will get you on the way for a time but as you hone your interest you will aim for EPs to complement them.

One thing to consider is a dew shield and maybe some heater tapes or indeed a dew shield that is heated, These SCTs are dew magnets!. 

No one is going to flame you for jumping in like this, if it does not work out you can sell and adapt to something that will work for you so do not get bogged down by your choices. Read as much as you can, sometimes between the lines as well and remember just about everyone here has bought and sold a scope after finding it was not quite right! This hobby is great fun, sometimes frustrating, usually always expensive but very addictive and rewarding. The Evo 9.25 took my own astronomy to a whole new level and although I have smaller scopes for different situations usually time related when the right moment presents itself it is the 9.25 that comes out for the very memorable evenings. 

Look forward to hearing about your adventures.

Hello John,


Thank you for the timely response and encouraging words! I'm about to jump in... I'm still considering Amazon because Celestron wants another US $54.00 shipping and with Amazon Prime, shipping is free but the biggest reason is Amazon has a phenomenal and extremely easy Return policy. I'm not totally sure but it might just be worth the "extra" US $165.00 for my piece of mind. I'm not "planning" on returning it but you never know...

Instead of a homemade choice, can you recommend a dew shield or dew shield+heater model? 


I'm lucky to be in an area that has less light pollution (although right now we have lots of smoke due to the many forest fires in my state of Montana) so I believe that I will have some wonderful viewing opportunities. Ultimately I would like to try some astrophotography  (Ok delusions of possible future skills at this point in time! LOL!). Going to start out with a cellphone as I've read about a lot of actual successes. So many possibilities! 


If you still have your review photos somewhere I'd love to see them. Dang Photobucket for changing their policy from free to paid. Messed up so many posts!

Thanks again,


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21 minutes ago, gtis said:

Hi Janet

the celestron dew shield is quite good don't know what the price is 

in US dollars

Found this link hope it helps


Thanks Neil!

Are the Astrozaps flexible plastic better than a flexible foam shield? Two models appear for the 9.25. The notches seem to be the only difference between the two. Both are US $41.50.



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Hi Janet,

The Astrozap gear is pretty good you won't go far wrong with that it's also what I use. I made my own dew shield and then attach a heater tape around the scope and plug it into a dew controller box. That does need power so you will also need some kind of battery as dew controllers cannot be powered from the Evo mount. ( Please someone prove me wrong! )

I think your peace of mind plan with Amazon is a good idea, the returns is one thing they are very good. 

Yes what a pain about Photobucket, many ruined forum threads thanks to them. I will attempt to log in tomorrow and see if I can retrieve the pics and if so send them to you! 

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3 minutes ago, JG777 said:

Hi Janet,

The Astrozap gear is pretty good you won't go far wrong with that it's also what I use. I made my own dew shield and then attach a heater tape around the scope and plug it into a dew controller box. That does need power so you will also need some kind of battery as dew controllers cannot be powered from the Evo mount. ( Please someone prove me wrong! )

I think your peace of mind plan with Amazon is a good idea, the returns is one thing they are very good. 

Yes what a pain about Photobucket, many ruined forum threads thanks to them. I will attempt to log in tomorrow and see if I can retrieve the pics and if so send them to you! 

Thanks John!


I have quite a few USB battery backups and would like a dew heater that can attach to one of them. I'll be on the lookout for something like that...


I will order a dew shield at least but which notched version should I buy? 





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Just now, gtis said:


yes you cannot use the mount battery to power a dew heater

only charge a phone or tablet through the USB socket

I know ,was hoping someone found a way around it! 

Just now, beesy said:

Thanks John!


I have quite a few USB battery backups and would like a dew heater that can attach to one of them. I'll be on the lookout for something like that...


I will order a dew shield at least but which notched version should I buy? 





AZ132 specifically mentions Evolution from what I can see ?

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