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What can I expect from an 8" Dobsonian

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Hey guys been told that the SkyWatcher Skyliner 200p is the best option for my small budget of £300

I wanted great views of most objects in the sky with the option of planetary imaging

Could anyone confirm this is the right option or not and if not what is ?


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8"" sounds good size for alot of general use, I cant comment on the model to be honest as not used one, not to sure a dobsonian is best for much imaging tho.. dobs are more for visual mostly. only the shortest of exposures to be had for imaging

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Dear Scott,

I have used an 8" skywatcher as a visual scope on a dob base, but this wont do for imaging planets. You could go to www.astrobuysell.com/uk and buy a 127 MCT on an Eq3-2 mount for under £300. MCTs are great for planets


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Even for planetary imaging ? I got told an eq was for deep sky long exposure imaging ?


I recommended the 8" dob in your other thread as a visual instrument. I thought you had decided to drop your imaging needs for the time being. You might be able to take the odd lunar snapshot with a dob but it's not driven (for your £300 budget) so won't be suitable for any imaging that requires tracking of objects, which is most astro imaging to be honest with you.

Sorry if I did not make that clear when I made the recommendation.

It really is very difficult to get an instrument that "multi tasks" for your budget in all honesty.

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