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IC405 Flaming Star Neb (Ha)


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This is the Ha stack for what will be an HaRGB image of the Flaming Star Neb. Currently awaiting a nice moonless night to collect the RGB subs (might be a long wait with our weather...)

Scope NP127is mounted on a Losmandy G11 guided with a TV Pronto+Lodestar. Camera Atik490EX @ 1x1 (1.1 arcsec/pixel)

10 x 20min Astrodon 3nM Ha



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to create an (Ha)LRGB image of this object but the skies have been... unkind shall we say. I captured 10 Red channel subs and had to scrap 7 of them, only 6 Blue were useable, and no Green at all. But we don't let little things like having no data stop us do we? :)  So with woefully little Red data, a synthesised Green channel (from Red and Blue) and combining the Ha with the Red channel I got this image. Needless to say I will be adding more subs as and when I can but who knows when the next clear night will be...



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