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Maldivian Holiday Coming Up


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Hi Everyone

will be visiting the Maldives this November and planned to take the Astrotrac but when looked up the Latitude found it was between 3 and 4 degrees ! Luckily I am facing North across the sea but wanted to know if anyone has had any experience of shooting the sky there and if they managed polar alignment ok



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Maldives has been a dream holiday for years. Snorkelling and dark skies is just a great combination, I think.

Hope your dog - looks a cracker! - will be kept comforted while you're off swanning around ...

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Thanks Michael

first thing I did was the  stellarium view and Polaris is just above the horizon, if you had a completely dark flat horizon its just possible, have sent Keiran a message and thanks for the heads up on that.

Did make me wonder what they do down there imaging wise, when on holiday in Cuba it was bad enough!



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