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Astroart guiding calibration


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Hello, ive noticed that if my guidecamera is taking 1 second exposures for autoguiding then I get an error saying that guidestar is not moviing more than 0.5 pixels when I run the auto calibration. however if I increase the exposure time say to 2 seconds or more the galibration works fine ?

When you auto calirate Merlin, how long does this normally take ?



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Guiding on hot pixels?

I've been using AA5 to do spectral imaging with the C11 and Genesis.

Guiding on a 8.5mag star with the Genesis/ Lodestar I used a 1.5sec exposure.

I can't remember how long it took to calibrate - but only 20-30sec maybe.

(I had to reset the guide rate in EQMod to 1 to get a good outcome)

Hope this helps

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