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Taking pictures of the Sun...........Help!!!


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Hi all,

I'm planning on going to the Faroe Islands in March for the solar eclipse, but haven't got the first clue on what I need to take pictures of it.

I have a Skywatcher skytravel 102T refractor and a cannon 450D, I know i need a filter but getting confused between the the different types. Can someone help me out please? 

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You will need a solar filter.

Do not whatever you do buy one of the cheap filters that go into the EP.

Your best bet would be to buy some Baader solar film and make a filter for your ST102, http://www.firstlightoptics.com/solar-filters/baader-astrosolar-safety-film-nd-50.html

This is what I use on my ST102 - http://www.firstlightoptics.com/solar-filters/astrozap-baader-solar-filter.html which is essentially a pre made one.

I don't use a dSLR, but the top two images in the following link were taken about a week ago using the ST102 and White light solar filter. http://www.emberson.org



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